Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sorry Dude

I know she is your daughter, but she is my lover.
I Know the relationship is going nowhere.
She has been wearing big girl panties for a long time, she knows it is going nowhere.
I would take your $1,000.00 to just go away but
1) That seems like a small amount considering how happy she make me
2) She gives GREAT head

fuck off you controlling asshole


  1. You've got to be kidding!!! Are you serious?

  2. Yes, and the sad thing she is an adult (38 Years old) we are not even dating, just friends but I guess he does not approve of me. Apparently my questioning her buying a double wide, putting it on his property and paying him $250.00 a month makes me a bad person. I pointed out the monthly cost on a double wide plus her “lot rent” was more than buying a real house. I am a jerk like that. Yes it makes me sad I have a friend that wants to buy a double wide. I should have pocketed the money.

  3. What saddens me is... you have a "friend" who swallows. Why haven't you married this gal and moved into her double wide?

    Seriously though... Does she read your blog? Does she know you're just "friends".
