Saturday, December 19, 2009

This week = failed

did not meet goal, no time work kept me slamed, can't let this week slip which will be hard with Christmas, will have to catch up in January

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

what the buzzed man looked at on the net tonight

I went to bar the other night to watch a friend in the band, after about 3 to many drinks, I notices all of these women out on the dance floor dressed up as sexy santa helpers, that is what inspired tonights search, not sure where it derailed. and when I say all these, I mean 20 to 30 and it was a small bar, tops 75 people in it (still no spell check or proofing, I have no pride in my posts)

Posting about Tiger while drinking

ok instead of a well thought out post about morals, what is right what is wrong,you get a semi drunk post. no grammer check, no spell check, no proof read, the only proofing go round here is this bottle of 90 proog high ovtane make me feel good act stupid juice. Harry Potter? more like a Harry Pothead. No I don't do drugs, never had, looking back sometimes I wish had, but really with my addictive personality it is best that I did not. That my firends is the key, know thyself and be true to your self. Tiger, american legend reduced to a punch line, my adivce to you, stop the spin control. Just come out and say it, you enjoy sex, never should have got married. Please do not say you are a sex addict. What the hell people expect, your enitre your life, people have catered to your every whim. Who am i to judge you? should you cheat on your wife? no. But you know what, if I was in your shoes< I would have, it would have been wrong, but I know myself well enough to know I would have. But hey my mixed brother from a differnt mother, I have differnt taste in women than you, all the women coming out of the wood work (get it wood) clainimg to have had kicked boots with you all look loke predators. Damn I had point here somewhere, who took my point. Yo doublewide go fetch me a turkey pot pie. I am having lunch with Lisa tommorow, she just turned 40, her boyfriend is 27.

words for 2010

Quit Making Excuses

You can’t think outside the box if you are the box

Live your life as if you are scuba diving, If you panic, you die.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What Do I WANT

The New Year is almost here and you ask what I want. Let me tell you what I want, what I really really want.

First let me tell you that instead of spending time reflecting about what I should write for the upcoming New Year, instead of dedicating myself to being a better person, I have been thinking about Tiger. The media driven drama around him right now is amazing. I have another post composed in my head thanking Tiger; I hope to get it written out soon.

But back to the task at hand. What do I want and what is preventing it me from getting it? I will skip the unselfish wants (happy kids, world peace etc..) and focus on me. That’s right I am willing to admit that to know and get what I really want first requires me to acknowledge and embrace the narcissistic zone.

What do I want my sultry web friend asks. Such a simple question has thrown me into one of the many crossroads of life. Yes I am standing in front of the devil with my guitar, what I do.

I want to be able to spend time doing what I WANT. I like the mountains, I like the beach. I want to split my time between the two. I don’t want to be dragged down by others; I don’t want someone else’s negative energy sucking on my life force.

SO how do I get there from here? First I have to acknowledge that it is me that is preventing me from reaching my ill defined goals. Step one is to define them somewhat better.

A) Buy a Beach house
B) Buy a house in the mountains
C) Purge the negative people from my life

My objective today is remove all the negative family and friends that I have from outlook and my cell phone contacts.

Buying two more houses is not realistic today, and If I had them today I could not enjoy them, but 11 years from now, the youngest will be in college (already paid for) and I will be able to enjoy them. I give my self this week to set out a plan for A) buying the two houses and B) being able to enjoy them. Next week the goal is turn planning into action.

That last word is key to whatever it is you want. Action. Without action it does not matter what you want. With action you can own the world, if you want.

And for all of you negative Nellie’s out there, don’t judge me for wanting 2 “vacation” homes. The houses are irrelevant; they are a vehicle for getting me to where I want to be physically.

You can judge me for saying negative Nellie.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

weekly update

goal was 39.5 and I made it. Following Monday was 170.4

Saturday goal is 39.25, not looking good for making it

Friday, December 4, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

today's rant

Hey vegetarians, I got no issue with your choice to not eat meat. I applaud your discipline. But what chaps my arse is your holier than thou attitude. You don’t or can’t eat meat, fine, but stop looking down your anemic nose at me. You know what, you smell, that’s right all those fruits and vegetables you are eating make you stink, your pores are huge which allows this noxious funk to escape your body and pollute the air I breathe. So go get your hair cut, take a shower with some pretty smelling soap and stop looking down at me and I will not ask you to put my meat in your mouth.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sorry Dude

I know she is your daughter, but she is my lover.
I Know the relationship is going nowhere.
She has been wearing big girl panties for a long time, she knows it is going nowhere.
I would take your $1,000.00 to just go away but
1) That seems like a small amount considering how happy she make me
2) She gives GREAT head

fuck off you controlling asshole

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

public service post

no this public service post is not to make the world a btter place, this is to let the women of the world know what the men are really looking at on the net. it is just random images from surfing the web tonight. No I am not a freak, I am a normal man. This is the same shit your husband, boyfriend, son, boss, employee, docotor, pharmacist etc is looking at. Do not judge us by what we look at on the web.

and yes I did say the hell with spell check, get over it

I thought about explaining the search behind the images, but really why try to explain?


I re-read the post below, and thought punk, get your fucking head out of your ass and man up