Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hi Shandi

Damn this new hunk of junk computer, lets see if I can add my post as a comment


  1. Hi Shandi and anyone else that may stumble across this. First before I forget, Shandi your blog disappeared, then reappeared and has disappeared, is something going on with it or is this wacked out computer I am using these days? I can’t recall what all I wrote you, I know I did apologize for not checking in more, it was an open letter to you when I thought you had found Mr. Right instead of Mr. Right Now. I wished you happiness, health all that good bullshit, plus a confession or two, I don’t recall all of them, but the one that sticks out, back when you were posting regularly you got into a tiff with some jerk that liked to write about his exploration of America on his motorcycle or some shit like that I think he called himself bear or buffalo or some silliness like that, well when that calmed I drove him crazy pretty good, alternating between calling him homophobic, gay, racist, un-American etc…
    I also asked about the nude picture I sent you that you were going to use to paint me, after I sent I was scared to ask you about it, concerned that I, um lets jut say I was concerned I did not measure up to your standards,

    Last time we touched base I was bitching about age taking its toll on my body. Mostly thyroid and eyes. The eye doctor lied; my eyes continue to get worse. Thyroid still just getting blood work done every 3 - 4 weeks. I gained 25 pounds from June 2009 to February 2010. I have lost 10 of them.
    I realized early this month my lack of focus was the reason why I can’t get anything done, I took out a sheet of paper and wrote out all of my “life changing projects” sad to say it took the whole sheet of paper. I selected one, gave myself 3 months to make it happen or strike it from list forever. (Computer program for medication therapy management) Not allowed to work on any of the others during this time (but I can add to the list)

    Hey can you post or send me the picture you took on your overseas trip, looking down and rectanglish spiral stair case (I really like that pic for some reason, lost it a year or so ago when my computer crashed.)

    I have started working out again; it seems to help but a long way to go. I will talk to my Doctor about the ADD next visit, but not sure it will do any good, I will not take any of the meds used to treat it.
    Got a new bike (long story) looking to buy a kayak or hobie cat to take my girls out on (I know big difference between the two)
    What’s up with you? Sounds like you have moved on quickly (good for you, life’s too short) what else is new?

  2. There must be something wrong with your computer. My blog is still there, though I haven't posted anything new yet. I plan to. You cracked me up that you remembered Buffalo. Yeah, that was quite a fight we had going on. I'm glad to hear you pissed him off, though I don't remember you doing it as "flrxman". Did you use a different name?

    This is going to sound awful but I don't remember getting the photo. But it's too difficult to sketch from photos others take. I would really need to have my own model anyway.

    I'm sorry to hear about the health issues but it sounds like you taken control and are on your way to being fit. I agree with you about the meds. They never solve things long term.

  3. Are you still around? I hope you're doing well.
